March 14, 2023

Just a quick note on updates......

In the Spring of the year, so much happens within the space of a few weeks that there is almost no time to skip a step. (Speaking of skipping, you might want to skip the audio player above, but it does have a new planning message regarding what's ahead. I'm just sayin' lol)

There is (still) 'way too much ice & snow hereabouts for skipping and such-like activities anyhooo....and who wants to begin the Spring season with a leg cast or worse? Not me, uh-uh.

So for today, I'm (again: still) staying indoors and working on a few helpful new items coming here soon. Posting more quality pix from the past 25 years of wide ranging adventures in this Adirondack-Thousand Islands region too.

A big desktop or wide screen monitor or TV will give the best impact & detail - viewing on a handheld unit won't do at all. But I just put 'em online; you view 'em however you want.

Until then, blessings to ya and have a great day!

- Len Hamilton

Page updated regularly. Thoughts? Comments? Email>.

Thanks for visiting --- trust in Jesus, be real and honest in all that you do! answers...gain knowledge...grow...teach...every day...

Some items may be out of date and/or may appear elsewhere.

Posted March 8, 2023

'Tis the Season - For Maple Syrup and Daylight Savings Time

Oh, yes! The promise of better weather begins with the month of March. This breezy month also heralds the start of sugaring season, when (it sometimes seems) almost every available maple is tapped throughout the entire New England region.

Next, heavy plumes of sweet-smelling steam in cool springtime air from sugar shack operations will announce that vast quantities of wonderful maple syrup can be found in local stores and lots of roadside market stands within weeks.

And of course, this is also when Daylight Savings Time begins, bringing an array of miscues and surprises to schedules and more than space here allows.

Love it or hate it, DST is pretty much a fact of life nearly everywhere. But there isn't much that can be done to escape its effects.

We are so blessed in all of this, actually. All we have to do is adapt to different daylight patterns and wait a few days to enjoy the sweet goodness that comes from nature. Others aren't so fortunate.

Those folks caught in war zones, or the ravaging effects of earthquakes and other disasters don't have the options we enjoy. Their options are basically these: struggle to survive as best they can, hold on (often without hope) until help arrives, or simply give up and give in to whatever fate may hold for them.

Could anything have been done to escape the situations they now must endure? How would we - you & I - respond to the hazards they face? May God continue to be most merciful to us all.

Today may be a day when you must decide on a path forward. Can you go it alone? Can you afford to wait until someone brings help? How can you be a benefit to others who, like yourself, may have few options?

I pray God is with you always, as brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. Encourage each other, always. Let your understanding be used to strengthen those who have no understanding or strength of their own.

May we all have a great day, full of opportunities to do good and honor our Father with our choices.

- Len Hamilton

Photo location: Ann Arbor MI. Photo credit: Len Hamilton....."Aren't we all in search of things we want? Some folks have too little, to be too choosy about what they want. To some folks, living a life of ease means in luxury, yet many are always looking to gain more. Consider this: It may be better to live with a satisfied mind, good and honest friends and making the best of whatever we receive daily. Thoughts or comments? I'd like to hear from you."

Posted March 5, 2023

Is It Really "Safer To Do Drugs With A Friend"?

I read a news story recently that said the New York State DOH is advertising it's "safer to do drugs with a friend". Granted, online news sources are often suspect as to accuracy, but this would encourage all illegal and off-brand drug usage. If true, the "safer" campaign would fall in line with current NYS drug control efforts.

Of course, any potentially dangerous activity someone pursues privately is less risky if another person is present. Should something bad happen, there is a better chance it can be responded to quickly and dangers may be reduced. But note the terms "dangerous", "risky" and "bad". They don't mean that nothing can go wrong.

But back to the NYSDOH. Well, "doh" indeed. Promoting "safer drug use", while hopefully well-conceived and thought out, still sounds stupid because there is no "safe" way to do drugs. But you know that the many millions of people who use drugs will take "safer" to mean...well, why explain here. You understand, right?

Sure you do. Promoting "safer" drug use cannot help but contribute to bigger social and economic problems for everyone and everything. Stupid is as stupid allows, to use Mr. Gump's famous quote a bit loosely. "Not" is the only way to do drugs safely. Stupidity leads to idiocracy.

Take a moment to consider this: how many people have you ever known whose quality of life improved, or they got healthier, or their family got closer and became more loving - - because they used drugs. Anyone?

We're getting closer to the end, and I do mean The End, every day. "Idiocracy" also fittingly names a movie found online, the dystopian message of which is ever-increasing in the world today. And there is nothing happening in our world that the Bible hasn't foretold. You need to understand that, too.

- Len Hamilton

(PS: Warning - this movie is offensively crude, abusive in its language and is NOT what I would normally recommend to anyone - but its dystopian view of the future is hard to ignore. Disagree? Let me know.)

....and that's all, folks!